Friday, August 26, 2016

ACT Tests

A few weeks back, my wife and I had some friends over for dinner. One conversation topic was the NEST thermostat I had recently installed in my home. I was going on and on about the fact it synced to my phone and provided me endless data on temperature, energy consumption, etc. My friend, who used to teach at NL when I was the HS principal, interrupted, laughing that this conversation reminded him of one of my staff meetings. I love data...I could talk for hours about data and what information can be pulled from it. Often boring those that are tasked with listening to me. Imagine how much fun I am at parties. I get it, not everyone loves data the way I do, so I’ll do my best to be brief...another thing I’m not so good at.

Anyways, every fall school districts across the state are judged, dissected, ranked, cheered, and jeered based on the results of their state assessments and state report card. I have some very strong opinions about last year’s assessments, some I’ve shared at recent BOE meetings, others I’ll address in future blogs. In this error of state testing, I feel we are missing on another test result...the ACT...that may provide greater insight into how well we are doing as a school district.
I recently received the results from last year’s ACT results. We had 40 students take the ACT last year, the most since 2013. Those students averaged a composite score of 21.1. With the state average 22, our students showed very strong. Our results also predicted the level of college readiness for our students. 73% of our kids demonstrated college readiness in English Comp. while 45% of our kids demonstrated readiness in Algebra. Both were either right at or higher than the state average. The final data piece I’ll share address course sequence. Based on the sequence of courses New London offers in Math and Science, our students out performed the state average, demonstrating that our students graduate ready for to succeed in College.

I’ve often said that one data source shouldn’t be used to make any conclusions. The ACT results, although very strong, doesn’t paint the whole picture, no more than our state assessments do. When assessing the health of our school district, assessments are a piece, but so are things such as: the arts, athletics, attendance rate, graduation rate, community service, the number of college level and AP courses available, discipline data, facilities, transportation, food service, and other educational and non-educational services we provide our students and families. Each of those areas are no more important than the other and are things that I look at and evaluate when determining what can we do better as a school district. I’m proud of our ACT scores. Our students and staff work very hard and these scores show that. 

Let me know what you think. Feel free to email, call, stop in at the BOE offices or catch me at any of the events I attend. I value all feedback. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Welcome to my Blog

Each summer the school administration and I meet and review the previous year and set goals for the upcoming school year.  More times than not, those goals focus on academics as we continue to improve our educational programs.  This summer, one of my goals were to improve on my communication to our parents and community.  Although I value the columns I write for the NL Record or information on Facebook and other social media outlets, sometimes I feel like it comes off robotic, lacking emotion.  
This is where the idea of a Blog came to mind.  Some of the information I share in this forum may duplicate that of the other communication tools we use, my plan is use this platform as a more relaxed, informal outlet to share the news and events of our District.  
My goal is to post a new blog on a weekly basis and I'd like to tackle topics that are meaningful to our community.  If you have any questions you'd like answered or topics you'd like addressed, you can email them to me at  
Thank you for taking the time to read my first post.